The New Age Games.
Well, before nothing I have to tell you, that the world of videogames is my passion, considering the advance of technologies it’s indispensable to know about the new stuff in market, for example, the Nintendo 3DS, this awesome console bring to us the best of 3D experience ¡without glasses!, this fabulous technology show us 400 pixels for each eye, the same for the photos that it takes with their two cameras, simulating the human eyes, but that’s all? Of course not, the Nintendo 3DS admit the option of buy more games through their WI-FI connection, also, you can play games in areas like your center table or your desk with a lot of cards named AR cards and the 3DS Camera, so you can play your games wherever you want to.
The Nintendo 3DS count with a move sensor, for make your game experience the most real possible, it’s hard to describe the world inside the 3DS, because you have to see it for yourself to believe it.
You can play the classic games too, downloading it from the Nintendo eShop, and a new version of those classic games it’s also available for buying it, for example The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time the best –Nintendo 64 game ever, so what are you waiting for, buy it now with us here on GameStock.